MongoDB Aggregate Sort

Mehvish Ashiq Jun 07, 2022
MongoDB Aggregate Sort

It is necessary to have enough knowledge of aggregation pipeline stages to do aggregation operations using MongoDB. This tutorial will explore the $sort stage with an example to perform the MongoDB aggregate sort.

MongoDB Aggregate Sort

Let’s have a scenario to practice the code examples. We have a collection named student that has basic information.

You can also use the following queries to be on the same page with us.

Example Code:

> db.createCollection('student');
> db.student.insertMany([
    {"student_code": "ma001", "name": "Mehvish Ashiq", "postcode": 2000},
    {"student_code": "tc002", "name": "Thomas Christopher", "postcode": 2001},
    {"student_code": "km003", "name": "Krishna Mehta", "postcode": 2000},
    {"student_code": "ar004", "name": "Aftab Raza", "postcode": 2000},
    {"student_code": "za005", "name": "Zeenat Ashraf", "postcode": 2002},
    {"student_code": "ka006", "name": "Kanwal Ali", "postcode": 2002}
> db.student.find().pretty();


        "_id" : ObjectId("629afe5a0a3b0e96fe92e97b"),
        "student_code" : "ma001",
        "name" : "Mehvish Ashiq",
        "postcode" : 2000
        "_id" : ObjectId("629afe5a0a3b0e96fe92e97c"),
        "student_code" : "tc002",
        "name" : "Thomas Christopher",
        "postcode" : 2001
        "_id" : ObjectId("629afe5a0a3b0e96fe92e97d"),
        "student_code" : "km003",
        "name" : "Krishna Mehta",
        "postcode" : 2000
        "_id" : ObjectId("629afe5a0a3b0e96fe92e97e"),
        "student_code" : "ar004",
        "name" : "Aftab Raza",
        "postcode" : 2000
        "_id" : ObjectId("629afe5a0a3b0e96fe92e97f"),
        "student_code" : "za005",
        "name" : "Zeenat Ashraf",
        "postcode" : 2002
        "_id" : ObjectId("629afe5a0a3b0e96fe92e980"),
        "student_code" : "ka006",
        "name" : "Kanwal Ali",
        "postcode" : 2002

Next, we want to determine the postcode that houses the maximum number of students but in sorted form. To do that, check the following example code.

Example Code:

> db.student.aggregate([
    { $group: { _id: '$postcode', students: { $sum: 1 } } },
    { $sort: {_id: 1} }


{ "_id" : 2000, "students" : 3 }
{ "_id" : 2001, "students" : 1 }
{ "_id" : 2002, "students" : 2 }

Here, we are using the aggregate() function that calculates the aggregate values for data in the specified collection or a view. Inside the aggregate() method, we group the documents considering the postcode field.

Further, we return the postcode as _id, and the students count in every postcode as students. Here, we use the $sum to get the number of students for every postcode.

The $sum calculates and returns the numeric value’s collective sum by ignoring the non-numeric values.

Finally, we use the $sort stage to sort them according to the project needs in ascending or descending order. The 1 is used for ascending order while -1 is used for descending order.

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Mehvish Ashiq is a former Java Programmer and a Data Science enthusiast who leverages her expertise to help others to learn and grow by creating interesting, useful, and reader-friendly content in Computer Programming, Data Science, and Technology.

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