How to Get ArrayList of Int Array in Java

  1. Create an ArrayList
  2. Add int Arrays to the ArrayList
  3. Access an Element or an Entire Int Array
  4. Add Integer Element to an Array at a Specific Index
  5. Remove an Element from the ArrayList
  6. Sort the ArrayList based on Array Sums
  7. ArrayList of Int Array
  8. Conclusion
How to Get ArrayList of Int Array in Java

This tutorial introduces how to get ArrayList of ints in Java and lists some example codes to understand the topic.

In Java programming, working with arrays is a common and essential task. However, there are scenarios where the flexibility of an ArrayList is preferred over traditional arrays.

This is particularly true when dealing with dynamic data structures or when the size of the array is not known in advance.

In this article, we’ll explore the concept of obtaining an ArrayList of int arrays using the ArrayList class in Java. We’ll cover the basic operations such as adding, accessing, removing, and sorting int arrays within the ArrayList.

Create an ArrayList

Creating an ArrayList in Java is a straightforward process that involves instantiating the ArrayList class from the java.util package. To create an ArrayList, you begin by importing the necessary package with the statement import java.util.ArrayList;.

Once imported, you can declare an ArrayList variable and initialize it using the new keyword, followed by the ArrayList class constructor.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class ArrayListOfIntArray {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create an ArrayList of int arrays
    ArrayList<int[]> listOfArrays = new ArrayList<>();
    // ...

In this snippet, we start by importing the necessary Java libraries and declare a class named ArrayListOfIntArray. Inside the main method, we initialize an ArrayList named listOfArrays to hold int arrays.

The diamond operator (<>) on the right side is a shorthand introduced in Java 7 for type inference, making the code more concise. At this point, the ArrayList is ready for use, and you can add, remove, or manipulate elements within it.

Add int Arrays to the ArrayList

You can use the add method to insert int arrays into the ArrayList.


// Add int arrays to the ArrayList
listOfArrays.add(new int[] {5, 2, 8, 1, 7});
listOfArrays.add(new int[] {3, 9, 4, 6, 0});

These lines add two int arrays to the ArrayList listOfArrays, demonstrating the ability to store multiple arrays within the ArrayList.

This process can be repeated to add multiple int arrays, providing a flexible and dynamic structure for storing arrays of integers.

Access an Element or an Entire Int Array

Accessing an element or an int array in an ArrayList in Java is a straightforward process. Once an int array is added to the ArrayList, you can use the get method to retrieve the array or access individual elements.

In Java, to access an array at a specific index and a specific element within an array, you can use the following syntax:

Accessing an Array at a Specific Index:

int[] myArray = arrayListOfIntArrays.get(index);

Here, index is the position of the int array within the ArrayList that you want to access. The get method retrieves the int array at the specified index.

Accessing a Specific Element within an Array:

int myElement = myArray[elementIndex];

In this syntax, elementIndex represents the index of the specific element you want to access within the int array. The value is then stored in the variable myElement.

Remember to replace index, arrayListOfIntArrays, elementIndex, and myArray with the appropriate variable names or values in your specific code.


// Access an element of the first array
int element = listOfArrays.get(0)[3];

// Access the entire int array
int[] firstArray = listOfArrays.get(0);

These lines demonstrate accessing individual elements and the entire int array at index 0 in the ArrayList. The accessed element and array are then stored in variables for later display.

Add Integer Element to an Array at a Specific Index

To add an integer element to an array at a specific index within an ArrayList in Java, you can follow a two-step process.

First, retrieve the int array from the ArrayList using the get method and assign it to a variable. Next, you can modify the desired element within the array using standard array notation.


// Add an element to a specific index in the first array
listOfArrays.get(0)[2] = 42;

This line modifies the first array in the ArrayList by adding the integer 42 to the specific index 2.

Remove an Element from the ArrayList

To remove an element at a specific index from an array within an ArrayList in Java, you can use a custom method, as illustrated in the provided code snippet. The removeElement method is designed to take an array and the index of the element to be removed, and it returns a new array with the specified element removed.

In this case, the code removes an element at index 1 from the int array at index 0 in the listOfArrays ArrayList.

// Remove an element from the first array
int indexToRemove = 1;
listOfArrays.get(0) = removeElement(listOfArrays.get(0), indexToRemove);

The removeElement method utilizes System.arraycopy to create a new array with the specified element removed. It copies the elements before the index and after the index into a new array, effectively excluding the element at the specified index.

The result is then assigned back to the original array at index 0 in the listOfArrays.

Sort the ArrayList based on Array Sums

Sorting an ArrayList based on the sum of arrays within it in Java involves using the Collections.sort method with a custom comparator. The comparator compares the sums of two arrays, ensuring that the ArrayList is sorted in ascending order according to the array sums.

// Sort the ArrayList based on the sum of each int array
Collections.sort(listOfArrays, (a1, a2) -> {
  int sum1 =;
  int sum2 =;
  return, sum2);

// Display the sorted ArrayList
System.out.println("Sorted ArrayList:");
for (int[] array : listOfArrays) {

By specifying this custom comparator, the Collections.sort method rearranges the ArrayList so that arrays with smaller sums come first, and arrays with larger sums come later.

This output reflects the various modifications and operations performed on the ArrayList of int arrays, showcasing the flexibility and functionality of the code.

ArrayList of Int Array

Arrays and ArrayLists are fundamental data structures in Java, providing the means to store and manipulate collections of elements. However, there are scenarios where combining these structures becomes essential.

We will discuss fundamental tasks like adding, accessing, removing, and sorting arrays of integers within the ArrayList, consolidating the various code snippets provided earlier.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class ArrayListOfIntArray {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create an ArrayList of int arrays
    ArrayList<int[]> listOfArrays = new ArrayList<>();

    // Add int arrays to the ArrayList
    listOfArrays.add(new int[] {5, 2, 8, 1, 7});
    listOfArrays.add(new int[] {3, 9, 4, 6, 0});

    // Add an element to a specific index in the first array
    listOfArrays.get(0)[2] = 42;

    // Access an element of the first array
    int element = listOfArrays.get(0)[3];

    // Access the entire int array
    int[] firstArray = listOfArrays.get(0);

    // Remove an element from the first array
    int indexToRemove = 1;
    listOfArrays.get(0) = removeElement(listOfArrays.get(0), indexToRemove);

    // Get the size of the first array
    int size = listOfArrays.get(0).length;

    // Sort the ArrayList based on the sum of each int array
    Collections.sort(listOfArrays, (a1, a2) -> {
      int sum1 =;
      int sum2 =;
      return, sum2);

    // Display all outputs
    System.out.println("Modified First Array: " + Arrays.toString(listOfArrays.get(0)));
    System.out.println("Accessed Element: " + element);
    System.out.println("Accessed Array: " + Arrays.toString(firstArray));
    System.out.println("Size of First Array: " + size);
    System.out.println("Sorted ArrayList:");
    for (int[] array : listOfArrays) {

  // Method to remove an element from an int array
  private static int[] removeElement(int[] array, int index) {
    int[] result = new int[array.length - 1];
    System.arraycopy(array, 0, result, 0, index);
    System.arraycopy(array, index + 1, result, index, array.length - index - 1);
    return result;

We initiate the process by creating an ArrayList, a versatile container for int arrays, allowing for dynamic and flexible data storage. Subsequently, we enrich the ArrayList by adding two distinct int arrays, showcasing its capability to accommodate multiple arrays efficiently.

To demonstrate array manipulation, we tailor the first array, introducing an element at a specific index, and then proceed to access individual elements as well as the entire array. The removal of an element from an int array is exemplified through a custom removeElement method.

Size retrieval of the int array within the ArrayList is then elucidated, providing insights into dynamic size management.

Finally, we delve into the sorting capability of the ArrayList, emphasizing its adaptability by sorting the arrays based on the sum of their elements.


Modified First Array: [5, 2, 42, 1, 7]
Accessed Element: 1
Accessed Array: [5, 2, 42, 1, 7]
Size of First Array: 4
Sorted ArrayList:
[1, 7, 42, 5, 2]
[0, 3, 4, 6, 9]

This array manipulation journey showcases the potency and flexibility of employing an ArrayList to manage int arrays dynamically.


Combining the flexibility of ArrayLists with the structure of int arrays provides a powerful toolset for dynamic data manipulation in Java. This approach allows developers to efficiently manage and manipulate arrays in a resizable and convenient manner.

The given example demonstrated how to add, access, modify, and remove int arrays, as well as how to get the size of the ArrayList and perform sorting based on the contents of the arrays. This technique not only simplifies array manipulation but also enhances the flexibility and functionality of your Java programs.

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